Top 3 reasons to Conceal Carry

Ricky Taggart

Endless reasons to conceal carry

There are an endless amount of reasons to conceal carry, and not sure we could even figure them all out in one sitting. As your life changes such as getting married, having kids, moving to a new location, etc, you could have new or added reasons to ensure you can protect yourself and those around you with the best tools out there. Below are the top 3 reasons to conceal carry a weapon:

  • Protect yourself 
  • Protect your family and friends
  • Stop evil

These are in no particular order necessarily, because as I look at them I can see reasons why the order might need to change given the day or circumstances. 

Protecting yourself with conceal carry

Protecting yourself is a loaded reason once again depending upon your individual situation. For me personally, being the provider to my family and being around to raise my children and support my wife are reason enough to make sure that I can protect myself in any situation I am presented with that could inflict me bodily harm. Whether I am out hiking in the wilderness and run the risk of getting injured by wild animals, or walking through a neighborhood that is inhabited by questionable individuals, I want to make sure that I can protect myself with a CCW. That weapon has evolved over the years, but ultimately I want the biggest weapon I can conceal carry and still be effective with. That usually is a firearm, but could sometimes have to be limited to just a knife. 

Protecting my family and friends with conceal carry weapons

This is probably number one on my list, however if I don't protect myself I won't be able to be around to protect my family and friends. That being said, the lives of my family members are definitely valuable enough to me to put my own life before theirs. I have been in some dicey situations where I have either been glad I had a concealed carry firearm on my hip, or I wish I would have had that weapon. I have never had to pull a weapon and pray that I never will have to. But rest assured I will always value the lives of my family, friends and even a random stranger over the lives of someone that would put those same lives in danger. 

Stopping evil with conceal carry weapons

There are definitely local legal ramifications with this statement, but conceal carry comes down to stopping evil doers that are making selfish decisions that could risk the lives of those around you. Once again depending upon the state you live in and even the city, what you are allowed to do and what you are allowed to protect, and even where you are allowed to protect is different across the board. We recommend looking into those laws whenever you travel. I always look into that to make sure I am aware of what I can bring with me, and what I can do if a dangerous situation were to present itself. 

Magholder was created to help protect you, your family and friends from evil. Keeping a spare magazine on your belt with your conceal carry firearm is necessary to have enough firepower to keep shooting until the threat is over. 

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